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第二件6折,Cytoskeleton公司Pull-down & G-LISA® Kits大促销





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【About Activation Assays】


Since 2001, Cytoskeleton has provided the scientific communitywith the most robust, accurate, and time-saving kits to measureSmall GTP-binding protein (SmG) activation. Along the way, wehave developed numerous versions for different SmGs, suchas Rho, Rac, Arf1 & 6, Ras, and Ral. Also, the quantifiable GLISAversions enabled a new wave of more sensitive applications, e.g.measurement in limited primary cell numbers and Matrigel 3Dmatrix. We continue to develop and maintain these high standards,which allow you to produce the best results in the least amount of time.


【Comparison of Pulldown and GLISA formats】


Parameter Pull-down G-LISA®
Total protein per assay 500-2000 μg 10-50 μg
Assay time 10-12 h (2 days) <3 h
Primary cells & 3D matrix compatible No Yes
Sample handling 10 Samples 96 Samples
Quantitative data* Semi Yes
* Numerical readouts and fewer sample handling steps make G-LISA® assays more quantitative.



Pull-down Result Example   G-LISA® Result Example
Swiss 3T3 cells were serum-starved for 24h; after this, a sample was treated with 10 ng/ml of EGF for 2 min (Lanes4 & 5). Other cells were not treated and remained serumstarved (Lanes 2 & 3). Rac1 activation was measured using the Rac1 Activation pull-down assay. 500 μg of lysate were assayed with 10 μg of PAK-PBD beads (Lanes 2-5). Lane 1 shows 20 ng of recombinant Rac1-His protein run as a Western blot standard.   Time course of activation of RhoA in Swiss 3T3 cells by CN01 and LPA. Serum-starved Swiss 3T3 cells were treated with Rho Activator I, Cat. # CN01 (blue diamonds) or LPA (red squares). RhoA activity was measured by reading signals at OD490nm. Data are background subtracted.


【Pull-down Activation Assays】

Pull-down assays utilize affinity beads linked to aneffector protein that selectively binds active GTPasefollowed by quantitation with Western blotting.

  Pull-down Activation Assays Cat. # Amount
  Combo RhoA/Rac1/Cdc42 Activation Assay Biochem Kit™ BK030 3 x 10 assays
  Arf1 Activation Assay Biochem Kit™ BK032-S 20 assays
  Arf6 Activation Assay Biochem Kit™ BK033-S 20 assays
  Cdc42 Activation Assay Biochem Kit™ BK034-S
20 assays
50 assays
  Rac1 Activation Assay Biochem Kit™ BK035-S
20 assays
50 assays
  RalA Activation Assay Biochem Kit™ BK040 50 assays
  Ras Activation Assay Biochem Kit™ BK008-S
20 assays
50 assays
  RhoA Activation Assay Biochem Kit™ BK036-S
20 assays
80 assays
  Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (100x stock) PIC02 1 ml


【 G-LISA® Pull-down Activation Assays Activation Assays 】

G-LISAs use a 96-well plate coated with effector protein that selectively binds the active GTPase followed by quantitation with ELISA techniques.


  G-LISA Activation Assays Cat. # Amount
  RhoA/Rac1/Cdc42 G-LISA Activation Assay Bundle
BK135 3 Kits
(24 assays/kit)
  Arf1 G-LISA® Activation Assay, colorimetric BK132 96 assays
  Arf6 G-LISA® Activation Assay, colorimetric BK133 96 assays
  Cdc42 G-LISA® Activation Assay, colorimetric BK127-S
24 assays
96 assays
  Rac1,2,3 G-LISA® Activation Assay, colorimetric BK125 96 assays
  Rac1 G-LISA® Activation Assay, colorimetric BK128-S
24 assays
96 assays
  Rac1 G-LISA® Activation Assay, luminescence BK126 96 assays
  RalA G-LISA® Activation Assay, colorimetric BK129 96 assays
  Ras G-LISA® Activation Assay, colorimetric BK131 96 assays
  RhoA G-LISA® Activation Assay, colorimetric BK124-S
24 assays
96 assays
  RhoA G-LISA® Activation Assay, luminescence BK121 96 assays
  Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (100x stock) PIC02 1 ml




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