High-Accuracy Detection of Neuronal Ensemble Activity in Two-Photon Functional Microscopy Using Smart Line Scanning


Marco Brondi, Monica Moroni, Dania Vecchia, Manuel Molano-Mazón, Stefano Panzeri, Tommaso Fellin

  • Cell Rep
  • 2020
  • 7.5
  • 2020 Feb 25;30(8):2567-2580.e6.
  • 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.01.105
  • 神经
  • GCaMP6; barrel cortex; neuronal ensembles; spatiotemporal neural responses; two-photon imaging.


Two-photon functional imaging using genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) is one prominent tool to map neural activity. Under optimized experimental conditions, GECIs detect single action potentials in individual cells with high accuracy. However, using current approaches, these optimized conditions are never met when imaging large ensembles of neurons. Here, we developed a method that substantially increases the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of population imaging of GECIs by using galvanometric mirrors and fast smart line scan (SLS) trajectories. We validated our approach in anesthetized and awake mice on deep and dense GCaMP6 staining in the mouse barrel cortex during spontaneous and sensory-evoked activity. Compared to raster population imaging, SLS led to increased SNR, higher probability of detecting calcium events, and more precise identification of functional neuronal ensembles. SLS provides a cheap and easily implementable tool for high-accuracy population imaging of neural GCaMP6 signals by using galvanometric-based two-photon microscopes.


